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Journey To Hong Kong : Part 1

Disneyland adalah salah satu tpt impian saya sedari saya mula mengenal watak2 Mickey Mouse, Snow White etc.etc.
Dan bila saya boleh membaca dan tahu Disneyland yg paling dkt dgn Malaysia adalah di Hong Kong, saya telah menyimpan azam, akan ke sini.

Dan Insyaallah, impian akan jadi kenyataan.
Alhamdulillah kpd Allah kerana beri peluang kepada ku. Mudah-mudahan tiada masalah dan perjalanan berjalan lancar.

Travel to oversea as backpackers is not being so burden today.
Our journey to Hong Kong is without travel agent.
Bak kata org tu - kita redah jerr... Haha.

So, as backpackers, kena la ada some checklist and full of preparation.
Oke. Utk ke Hongkong without travel agent, what u need to do is, research, research and research.
Coz, sy da booked flight about 7 mths before, so, i'd plenty of time to do some research.
Memula saya byk dptkan info dari cari.com - so, bleh dpt some roughly idea what's going on kat sana, tpt menarik, tpt penginapan, makan etc.
Then bila da ada idea camtu, kita bleh tgk web2 tpt menarik tu.
E.g : Disneyland, Ocean Park, Ngong Ping etc (and 4 sure the shopping mall too...)

Seterusnya pengangkutan awam di sana.
Because Hongkong is one of the city with reliable public transportation, so, it's don't bother you.
Simply familiar with the road and what the public transportation can be use.

Hong Kong is geographically compact and boasts one of the world's most efficient, safe, affordable and frequent public transport systems. Whether by taxi, ferry, rail, bus or tram, you can get around easily and catch wonderful glimpses of the city along the way.

Dan easily print out their MTR route too from this web - exploreHK

When u get familiar with this route, public transportation, and u can start ur itineraries. Mmg sgt sgt mudah dgn kehadiran google map. Oh. Vey big thanks to technology and luckily I'm in Gen.X :).
So, u can measured time to soping-soping.

So, takat ni checklist saya utk ke Hongkong (less than a month from now)
- Booking penginapan : done
- Print MTR route : done
- My itineraries : on progress.
- Passport : Done
- Money exchange : on progress.
- Bekalan makanan kering : on progress

Nati saya cerita pula one by one berkenaan itineraries plan saya.

Did these picture make you 'excitednya la haiii...' Muahahaha.
Kredit pic : travelfolio

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